
  • Two red lipsticks on a dresser

    Red Hot Red

    The first two Besame lipsticks I purchased were Victory Red and Red Velvet. I originally wasn’t planning on getting another one right away but when I saw this color was based on Marilyn Monroe’s favorite color I couldn’t resist. (I’ve been a big Marilyn fan for years.) The packaging is pretty, as all Bésame lipsticks are. The color is a bright, warm toned red. After reading reviews and looking at swatches I was a little concerned it would look too orange on me. After trying it I saw happily that It didn’t. It feels light on the lips and wears well without feathering. Although the texture seems a bit creamier…

  • a lipstick and a pin on a old colored scarf
    Beauty,  Pinup

    V for Victory (Red)

    This post includes some content written several years ago. How I began wearing Besame Cosmetics: I’ve been a red lipstick lover for years. Several years ago I was doing a Google search for something 40s makeup related and a few of the links I went to mentioned Bésame Cosmetics. I had never heard of the brand before. Being a fan of all things vintage beauty, my interest was piqued and I wanted to check it out. I went to the website, and really appreciated the beautiful packaging and the variety of red lipsticks available. I also learned about the Agent Carter 1946 collection. Unfortunately, I found out about this a…

  • Used lipstick on a dresser
    Beauty,  Rants

    Drugstore Makeup Woes

    I have recently been trying to purchase (or repurchase) several classic shades of Revlon and Maybelline lipstick. Some colors are hard to find. The major problem is someone has already touched or tried on the ones I do locate. Thankfully, Revlon puts a seal around their lipsticks so that is less of an issue there. (Although I did run into a situation where the only tube of a color I wanted had the seal missing. It didn’t look swatched but I didn’t want to chance it, regardless.) The biggest issue is with brands like Maybelline that don’t seal their lipsticks. My local CVS had one tube of a color I…

  • Lipstick on dresser
    Beauty,  Fashion,  lifestyle,  Self care

    Self Care Sunday

    It’s that time of year I hate. The day after Daylight Savings time begins. (I still don’t understand why Daylight Savings time is still a thing. It made sense when we were an agrarian society and when lots of kids were walking to and from school. Neither are the case now. They should just abolish the whole thing and keep time the same all year.) I always dislike losing an hour, and it takes a while to get used to it being lighter later. The only positives are that I can take outfit pictures more easily in the evening if necessary and I can go for walks later. Thankfully, this…

  • Beauty,  lifestyle,  Style

    Barbie Dreams

    Like a lot of other people, I also got caught up in the hype for the Barbie movie this summer. This post will show some of the themed things I bought. (Another post will show fashion and jewelry items.) The hype for the movie also made me pull out the Beautiful Bride Tracy and Malibu Skipper dolls I still had from my childhood, and start a small collection of current Barbie dolls. Here is a picture of me with the Tracy doll as a child. (This was in 1982 or 1983) I was surprised at what good condition my two dolls were in considering I had gotten them originally in…

  • Beauty,  Rants,  Self care

    Are Women Over 40 Invisible?

    This is something that has been on my mind for some time. It seems like brands, especially makeup and skincare brands are mainly focused on people in their 20s and early 30s. Women over 40 might as well not exist.  This includes subscription boxes and services like Influenster. It’s frustrating to see people posting about all the Voxboxes they get, Voxboxes with products I use or would like to use, and to never get offered any myself. Do companies think women over 40 don’t wear makeup or fragrance? Do they think we don’t go anywhere or have money to spend? Do services like Ipsy think people over 40 only want…